Tension in Banjsko Polje: Police at three locations in search of the body

B92 09.04.2024  |  Telegraf.rs
Tension in Banjsko Polje: Police at three locations in search of the body

Exactly 14 days ago, photos of the missing girl Danka Ilić (2) in Banjsko Polje began to spread on social networks.

At that time, no one had any idea what we would find out in a few days - the child did not fall in, was not kidnapped, was not sold. The outcome was shocking - Danka was killed. Today, on the 14th day since the moment of her disappearance, the police are searching with all their might three additional possible locations that remained unsearched, in search of the body - the reservoir next to the suspect's house, the bridge, part of the Lazarus Canyon. In the Bor

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